African Canadian Heritage Association

A program designed to meet the needs of Black Parents

Our Motto

To provide our children with an opportunity to learn and identify

with their African Heritage and Values, and to develop a sense of purpose, pride and support for each other in a secure environment.


To empower our African children to survive the challenges they

face by developing a sense of worth and a commitment to

excellence, enabling them to make a significant contribution to

Canada and the world.


To address the educational and social aspects of life for

African families and to provide a forum for education on

African history, culture and current events.


To provide a meeting place for youth and adults for

camaraderie and fun.

Expectation of Parents

  • To attend regularly with their children

  • To attend, take an active role in parent meetings, and program activities

  • To work with another parent once per term to prepare and deliver a nutritious snack/lunch

  • To volunteer on committees and in the program

  • To listen to other parents, teachers, and participants and be respectful to and of them.

  • To demonstrate unit and work with others in developing an atmosphere of sharing, creativity and learning

  • To learn and understand the program principles

Expectation of children & our Youth 

  • To attend the program regularly.

  • To participate in planned activities and to assist/encourage others.

  • To assist the teachers in planning and delivering program activities.

  • To listen to parents, teachers and other participants and to be respectful to and of them.

  • To demonstrate unity and work with others in developing an atmosphere of sharing, creativity and learning

  • To learn and understand the program principles

Expectation of Teachers & Leaders

  • To attend the program regularly.

  • To lead the curriculum planning process with the age group for which they are assigned.

  • To work with a committee program chair to develop and deliver a co-ordinated, motivating and interesting program.

  • To listen to other teachers, parents and participants and be respectful to and of them.

  • To demonstrate unity and work with others in developing an atmosphere of sharing, creativity and learning

  • To learn and understand the program principals

Our Mission

  • To provide our children with an opportunity to learn and identify with their African Heritage and Values, and develop a sense of purpose, pride and support for each other in a secure environment.

  • To empower our African Children to survive the challenges they face by developing a sense of worth and a commitment to excellence. These qualities will enable them to make a significant contribution to Canada and the world.

  • To address the educational and social aspects of life for African families; to provide a forum for education on African history, culture and current events.

  • To provide a meeting place for youth and adults for camaraderie and fun.

Values of the African Canadian Heritage Association

  • Positive recognition of our African ancestry.

  • Spirit of cooperation

  • Uniqueness of each individual and his/her   special skills.

  • Self awareness and pride.

  • Mutual respect, as evidenced by our ability to listen and speak

  • Sense of responsibility for each other.

These values were meant to address the many negative forces and situations facing African Canadian children, the schools and broader society. Some of these issues include alienation, lack of self confidence, low level of achievement, high dropout rate, and an educational system that is insensitive to the needs and upliftment of our children.

ACHA has developed a more formal and comprehensive approach to instill positive values in our children. These values are embodied in the seven principles.

The Seven Kwanzaa Principles

The Nguzo Saba

UMOJA (Unity)

To strive for and maintain unity in our families, communities, our nation and our race.

KUJICHAGULIA (Self-determination)

To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves and speak for ourselves instead of being defined, named, created for and spoken for by others.

UJIMA (Collective Work and Responsibility)

To build and maintain our community together and make our ‘sisters’ and ‘brothers’ problems, OUR, problems and to solve them together.

UJAMAA (Cooperative Economics)

To build and maintain our own stores, shops and other 

Businesses, and to profit from them together.

NIA (Purpose)

To make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community, in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness.

KUUMBA (Creativity)

To always do as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it.

IMANI (Faith)

To believe with all our heart in our people, our parents, our teachers, 

our leaders and the victory of our struggle.

The Black National Anthem

Lift every voice and sing, till earth and heaven

ring, ring with the harmonies of liberty;

Let our rejoicing rise, high as the listening skies,

Let it resound loud as the rolling sea.

Sing a song full of the faith that the 

dark past has taught us, 

Sing a song full of the hope that the

present has brought us;

Facing the rising sun of our new day begun,

Let us march on till victory is won.

By James Weldon Johnson

The African Pledge

We will remember the humanity, glory and sufferings of our ancestors,

And honor the struggle of our elders.

We will strive to bring new value, and new life to our people;

We will have peace and harmony among us.

We will be loving, sharing, and creative.

We will work, study and listen, so we may learn, learn so we may teach.

We will cultivate self‐reliance.

We will struggle to resurrect and unite our homeland.

We will have discipline, patience, devotion and courage.

We will live as models to provide new direction for our people.

We will be free and self‐determined

We are African people



Communal meals are an integral part of African life. It is symbolic of the unity & brotherly love African people have for each other. Hence we include a communal snack at each Programme. Parents, Youth & Teachers share in the preparation and enjoyment of the meal.

The Parent Committee Chair coordinates the snack Programme. On registration, he/she asks families to sign up on the snack schedule indicating the date(s) that they would like to help with the snack. Each program day at least two families supply the fare and lead in its delivery and clean-up.

We attempt to be fairly health conscious and to provide some variety at and among meals. Examples of snacks are tuna, cheese & jam sandwiches on white and brown bread, and pasta. Rice and peas, roti and chicken and pelau are always popular. We encourage fruit and cold or hot vegetables and fruit juice to accompany the snack.

A.C.H.A.'s Annual Events

>>>  Hike & Walkathon  (October)  <<<

A Great way to raise funds for the program

>>>  Spirit of Kwanzaa (December<<<

>>>  Winter Appreciation Skate Day  <<<

(First day of program in January)

>>>  Black History Month (February)  <<<

>>>  Black History Challenge (March)  <<<

>>>  Family Day (April)  <<<

>>>  Entrepreneur’s Day (June)  <<<

>>>  Annual Brunch (May)  <<<

>>>  Youth Retreat (May)  <<<

>>>  Awards & Open House (June)  <<<

>>>  Youth Retreat (June-July)  <<<

>>>  Camping (July)   <<<

>>>  Wine Tasting Tour  <<<